The Pure Health™ wellness center offers many programs, courses and products with the goal of cleansing, detoxifying and rejuvenating the body.
The beneficial effects of removing vast amounts of toxic matter from the colon can be felt almost immediately after the programs. Take the multi-media tour below to understand how detoxification and colon hydrotherapy can help you meet your wellness goals.
Step 1: Take the Detox Tour
Step 2: Frequently Asked Questions
Step 3: Review the Medical Literature & Testimonials
To find out more about our detoxification programs, contact us at +603 6203 2097 to schedule an obligation free consultation today!
Testimonials:Client Video Testimonials
(Click Here To View)
"Like most people, I felt there was something more I could do to improve my health but I just did not know what until I discovered the Pure Health Detox Program™. Imagine how much better I felt after removing 3kg of visible waste from my body in just 5 days!"
C. Tan
Toxic Waste products removed from the colon
To see more toxic eliminations, click here
Video Proof of Toxins Accumulated in the Colon
Dr Hiromi Shinya is a respected gastroenterologist and the inventor of the colonoscopy procedure. He has performed over 300,000 colonoscopies and has found a direct correlation between colon health and the overall health in his patients. Here's a video of some of the colonoscopy examinations he has performed over the years.
Colon hydrotherapy can be used to cleanse the colon of toxic material as well as tone the colon to strengthen it and improve bowel movements.