Q. Could I become dependent on colonics?

The colonic is a tool intended to be used to create a clean and healthy colon. A colon therapist who is dedicated to your health, will encourage you to set a goal of having a well-functioning colon. Our fulfillment comes from assisting you in healing your colon, not in making you dependent upon colonics. Actually, one of its features is that a colonic can be used to tone the colon muscle so that the colon doesn't perform so sluggishly. Many people have sluggish colons. It may take days for bowel movements to return after a good colonic. This is when people think they are becoming "dependent" on colonics.

One good colonic is worth 20 or so regular bowel movements, so it may take some time for fecal material to build up in the colon once again if one has a sluggish colon. When the colon is sluggish and bowel movements do not return for a few days after one colonic, it is an indication that extensive colon work is needed to remove the debris that the bowel has built up over the years. This build up of fecal material has decreased the muscular action in the colon. Once a series of colonics is completed , the colon will begin to function like Mother Nature intended. Colonics give you a feeling of being lighter, cleaner and healthier with a sense of well-being. Cleansing and building programs offer preventative measures so that you can be in control of your own health. Dietary changes may be necessary to ensure long lasting and vital health.